Monday, 25 July 2011

asmmodestatus of griddisk shows as UNUSED

When asmmodestatus of griddisk shows as UNUSED, the disk is never attached to any asm disks or never being used. Here are the steps to find out the cause and fix the issue.

1. cellcli -e LIST GRIDDISK attributes name, size, asmmodestatus
   -- result of the above command shows that   asmmodestatus of a disk is in UNUSED status

2. cellcli -e list alerthistory
     -- result of the above command shows that the disk was replaced recently
    *******critical "Hard disk removed. Status : NOT PRESENT*******
   **********"Hard disk replaced.****************

3. looks the replaced disk was not added to the ASM diskgroup and then it was showing the asmmodestatus as unused.

4. identify the candidate disks from the v$asm_disks and added the disks to the respective diskgroup using

  alter diskgroup diskgroupname add disk '0/xxx/xxxxx';

Note: The messages in this sites are very general and not representing/referering any company's product.

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