Tuesday, 2 August 2011

How to optimize the rebalance operation in asm when multiple disk maintenance activities are need to be run at the same time,also monitor the status of the rebalance operation

Sometime dbas need to do multiple diskgroup managment commands like add a disk  and drop a disk. We used to run the commands one by one.since rebalance process will be forked for one disk maintenance activity,in this case two rebalance process will be running.To avoid that it is recomended to run both the command in a single statement and it invokes single rebalances operations

  alter diskgroup diskgroup_name add disk 'o/xxx/xxxx.'  drop disk  'o/xxx/xxx' ;

We can montior the staus of the asm operations using v$asm_operations view

SQL> desc v$asm_operation
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 GROUP_NUMBER                                       NUMBER
 OPERATION                                          CHAR(5)
 STATE                                              VARCHAR2(4)
 POWER                                              NUMBER
 ACTUAL                                             NUMBER
 SOFAR                                              NUMBER
 EST_WORK                                           NUMBER
 EST_RATE                                           NUMBER
 EST_MINUTES                                        NUMBER
 ERROR_CODE                                         VARCHAR2(44)

State of the operation:
WAIT - No operations running for the group
RUN - Operation running for the group
REAP - Operation is being run down
HALT - Operation halted by admin
ERRORS - Operation halted by errors

select state,ACTUAL ,sofar,EST_MINUTES ,operation from v$asm_operation;

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