Wednesday, 23 May 2018

How to clone a database using ZFS snapshot

STEP by STEP Guide to create an Oracle database using ZFS snapshots.
Generally for  100TB DB running on an X5 Exadata machine with 64 channels via two ZFS controllers,
Traditional RMAN L0 backup runs around 6 hours. Restoration of the whole database takes around 7 to 9 hours
Image backup with L1 merge on daily basis, then if we can simply switch the database within around 15 mins to the image backup (apply required archive-logs).
We write the image backup on ZFS we can create snapshots ( only delta changes will recorded) in between daily incremental and merge backup . This will help DBAs to do point-in time recovery (or) create multiple testing environment faster
I explained the below steps to do a point time clone using ZFS snapshots. This can be used for testing purpose or extract some point time data if production data has corrupted.
ZFS configuration ( ZS3-2 80TB)
This test case has been tested on the below ZFS configuration
ZFS appliance with two heads with 80TB storage capacity.
If you have ZFS cluster configuration with ( active-active ), you can avail both controllers to get better performance .
If you have ZFS cluster configuration with ( active-passive ), you can avail only one controllers
Heada      :
POOLS    :   ( Active – Active )
akzfsa101a  : (Double Parity/Online
akzfsa101b  : Exported
Cluster:  Active/Active
exp_backup_heada (  on )
Shares   :
exp_backup_heada/image_backup => mount point ( /export/exp_backupa/image_backup)
exp_backup_heada/rman_archivelog => mount point ( /export/exp_backupa/rman_archivelog)
Headb :
POOLS    :  ( Active – Active )
akzfsa101b  : Exported
akzfsa101a  : (Double Parity/Online
Cluster: Active/Active
exp_backup_headb ( on )
Shares   :
exp_backup_headb/image_backup => mount point ( /export/exp_backup_headb/image_backup)
exp_backup_headb/rman_archivelog => mount point ( /export/exp_backup_headb/rman_archivelog)
Shares Compression Option
  • Take Base image backup with GZIP-2 FAST on backup share  
  • Then revert compression option to LZJB ( Fastest) for level 1 backups.
  • Archive log can be compressed at rman level and write on LZJB ( fastest) share.
Share Mount options ((Oracle best practice setting)
For example:
mount -t nfs -o rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,vers=3,time0=600,noac,actimeo=0 /export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup  /export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup
mount -t nfs -o rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,tcp,vers=3,time0=600,noac,actimeo=0 /export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup /export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup
Create a database using ZFS snapshots.
I.1 High Level steps
I. 1.1) Pre-requisite
  • Create pools/projects/shares in the ZFS appliance
  • Mount the shares with best practice attributes on the compute node or DB server
  • Take an image backup
  • Create snapshot  
  • Take L1 backup and merge with base image backup
(Repeat steps 3 to 5 at regular interval)
I. 1.2)   when we would like to create a clone copy on ZFS Snapshot
  • Create a clone against the select  snapshot ( based on the day ) in the ZFS
  • Set quota and create a mount point against the snapshot created in the ZFS
  • Mount the snapshot mount point in compute node
  • start the db in mount mode
  • catalog the snapshot mounts
  • switch the database to copy
  • open the database
II.1 Detail Steps
II. 1.1 Create base image backup  ( take backup via  both controllers – heads )
run {
sql 'alter system set "_backup_disk_bufcnt"=64';
sql 'alter system set "_backup_disk_bufsz"=1048576';
allocate channel ch001 device type disk format '/export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup/%U';
allocate channel ch002 device type disk format '/export/exp_backup_headb/image_backup/%U';
II.1.2 Create archivelog backups in a separate Share
run {
sql 'alter system set "_backup_disk_bufcnt"=64';
sql 'alter system set "_backup_disk_bufsz"=1048576';
allocate channel ch001 device type disk  format '/export/exp_backup_heada/rman_archivelog/%U';
allocate channel ch002 device type disk  format '/export/exp_backup_headb/rman_archivelog/%U';
 backup archivelog all not backed up 1 times delete input TAG 'logs_ab';
backup current controlfile TAG 'ctl_bk' FORMAT '/export/exp_backup_heada/image_backupa/%d_%s_%p_%c_%t.ctl.rman';
backup spfile TAG 'spfile_bk' FORMAT '/export/exp_backup_heada/image_backupa/%d_%s_%p_%c_%t.spfile.rman';
 release channel ch001;
release channel ch002;
II.1.3      Create a snapshot on both heads.
II. 1.3. 1 High level steps
  • ssh from compute node to zfs netman ( this need ssh key to be updated in the ZFS. Ref Apendix)
  • type ‘shares’ ( in zfs prompt )
  • type ‘ls’ ( to list projects )
  • type ‘select project’ ( select image_backup_heada)
  • type ‘snapshot’ ( to go to  snapshot area )
  • type ‘snapshot <snap name>’ ( snapshot day1 ) ( to create snapshot)
  • type ‘ls’ ( to list snapshots )
  • type exit
II. 1.3. 2 Detailed steps
On Head 1:
ssh from compute node ( this can be done via GUI as well )
ssh -l oracle akzfsa101b-netman ( ensure oracle keys are copied to the zfs appliance)
akzfsa101a-netman:> shares
akzfsa101a-netman:> ls
                          pool = akzfsa101a
                    usage_data = 29.6T
               usage_snapshots = 1.09T
                   usage_total = 30.69T
                       encryption => Manage encryption keys
                      replication => Manage remote replication
                           schema => Define custom property schema
akzfsa101a-netman:shares> select exp_backup_heada
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada >  ls
image_backup   29.5T  off           /export/exp_backup_heada/image_backup
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada >  select image_backup
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup> snapshots
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots> snapshot day1
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots> ls
                        automatic => Configure automatic snapshots
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots> exit
Repeat the above step in head b as well
On Head b:
ssh from compute node ( this can be done via GUI as well )
ssh -l oracle akzfsa101b-netman ( ensure oracle keys are copied to the zfs appliance)
akzfsa101b-netman:> shares
akzfsa101b-netman:> ls
                          pool = akzfsa101b
                    usage_data = 28.6T
               usage_snapshots = 1.09T
                   usage_total = 29.69T
                       encryption => Manage encryption keys
                      replication => Manage remote replication
                           schema => Define custom property schema
akzfsa101b-netman:shares> select exp_backup_headb
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb >  ls
image_backup   29.5T  off           /export/exp_backup_headb/image_backup
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb > select image_backup
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup> snapshots
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots> snapshot day1
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots> ls
                        automatic => Configure automatic snapshots
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots> exit
II 1.4 run image backup script ( step 2.1)
--- run the image backups
II 1.5      Create Clone based a day1 snapshot on both Nodes
II.1.5.1  High level steps
  1. Select snapshot ( select day1)
  2. Clone <clone name> ( clone DB12C_PITR )
  3. Set quota=50g
  4. Set mountpoint=(clone path)
    set mountpoint=/export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1
  5. Commit.
  6. List clones
Do the above step on both heads.
II.1.5.2 Detail steps
Node akzfsa101a
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots> select day1
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots@day1> clone DB12C_PITR1
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> set quota=50G
                         quota = 50G (uncommitted)
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup /DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> set mountpoint=/export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1
                    mountpoint = /export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted)
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> commit
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots@day1> list clones
Clones: 1 total
PROJECT                              SHARE
Image_backup_heada   DB12C_PITR1
akzfsa101a-netman:shares exp_backup_heada/image_backup snapshots@day1
Node akzfsa101b
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots> select day1
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots@day1> clone DB12C_PITR1
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> set quota=50G
                         quota = 50G (uncommitted)
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup /DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> set mountpoint=/export/image_backup_headb/DB12C_PITR1
                    mountpoint = /export/image_backup_headb/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted)
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup/DB12C_PITR1 (uncommitted clone)> commit
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots@day1> list clones
Clones: 1 total
PROJECT                              SHARE
Image_backup_headb   DB12C_PITR1
akzfsa101b-netman:shares exp_backup_headb/image_backup snapshots@day1
II.1.6      Catalog the files into the database from the clone
  • Start the db in mount mode ( using the control file taken on the day)
DB12C_PITR> $ rman target /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Dec 11 08:58:55 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
connected to target database: DB12C_PITR (DBID=1161943131, not open)
RMAN> list copy of datafile 1;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
specification does not match any datafile copy in the repository
RMAN>  catalog start with "/export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1 ";
searching for all files that match the pattern /export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1
List of Files Unknown to the Database
File Name: /export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1/c-1161943131-20171211-03
File Name: /export/rman_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR1/data_D-DB12C_PITE_I-1161943131_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-2_0hslr01a
File Name:
RMAN>  catalog start with "/export/image_backup_headb/DB12C_PITR1 ";
RMAN> list copy of datafile 1;
List of Datafile Copies
Key     File S Completion Time Ckp SCN    Ckp Time
------- ---- - --------------- ---------- ---------------
10      1    A 11-DEC-17       1282837    11-DEC-17
        Name: /export/image_backup_headb/DB12C_PITR1/data_D-DB12C_PITR-1161943131_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-1_0gslr01a
        Tag: IMAGECOPY
II.1.7      Switch the database to clone copy
RMAN> switch database to copy;
datafile 1 switched to datafile copy "/export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR/data_D-DB12C_PITR_I-1161943131_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-1_0gslr01a"
datafile 1 switched to datafile copy "/export/image_backup_heada/DB12C_PITR/data_D-DB12C_PITR_I-1161943131_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-1_0gslr01a"
datafile 4 switched to datafile copy
II. 1.8     Recover and open the database to PITR
RMAN> run  {
SET UNTIL TIME "to_date('2017-12-11:05:59:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss')";
recover database;
}2> 3> 4>
executing command: SET until clause
Starting recover at 11-DEC-17
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=118 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2
channel ORA_DISK_2: SID=131 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_3
channel ORA_DISK_3: SID=134 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_4
channel ORA_DISK_4: SID=137 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_5
channel ORA_DISK_5: SID=139 device type=DISK
starting media recovery
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 6 is already on disk as file +DATA01/db12c/archivelog/2017_12_11/thread_1_seq_6.8711.962431237
archived log for thread 2 with sequence 3 is already on disk as file
archived log file name=+DATA01/db12c/archivelog/2017_12_11/thread_8_seq_3.8712.962431237 thread=8 sequence=3
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
Finished recover at 11-DEC-17
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
database opened
RMAN> exit
II.1.9      Verify the datafiles
Recovery Manager complete.
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 11 09:04:53 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
SQL> conn /as sysdba
SQL> select name from v$datafile;
13 rows selected.
  1. How to setup SSH key for oracle account in ZFS
  • Generate DSA key from Compute Node.
  • Login into netman ( gui)
  • https://
  • go to configuration=>preferences => SSH Publick Keys (+) => paste the compute node DSA key and give a relevant key comment
  1. How to create pools
  • Login into netman ( gui)
  • https://
  • go to configuration=>storage => Add
  1. How to create projects
  • Login into netman ( gui)
  • https://
  • go to configuration=>shares => Projects
  1. How to create shares
  • Login into netman ( gui)
  • https://
  • go to configuration=>shares => shares

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