Sunday, 31 March 2019

Oracle Grid Infrastructure - reconfiguration

There are some situations we need to reconfigure the Grid Home like IP-address change/hostname changer,
fresh GI installation due to binary issue etc..
Please follow the below steps

0. Please capture the below details before you do reconfigurations
      crsctl stat res -p
      crsctl stat res -t
      cluster Name:cemutlo -n
      scan name :  srvctl confif scan
      listener port :  srvctl confif listener
      host vip names
      if you are doing it in exadata   . please do the step 3 before you do the reconfiguration

1. Run the below command to deconfig the GI from all the nodes except the last node.

 $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -verbose -deconfig -force

2. Run the below command in the last node ( keepdg to retain the DG configuration)
 $ORACLE_HOME\crs\install\ -deconfig -force -verbose -lastnode -keepdg

3. During reconfiguration, incase if the OCR disks are not listed as candidates for OCR DG creations, we may need to delete and add the disks

            we can use either Plan A or Plan B         
           Plan A:
                   oracleasm createdisk <label> <dev_mapper>
                   oracleasm createdisk OCR_DK1  /dev/mapper/ASM_OCR_0001
          Plan B:
                 incase the above is faling with "Unable to open device "/dev/mapper/ASM_OCR_0001": Device or resource busy "
          /usr/sbin/asmtool -C -l /dev/oracleasm -n OCR_DK1 -s  /dev/mapper/ASM_OCR_0001 -a force=yes

          Post task:
                   oracleasm scandisks
                   oracleasm listdisks
            ( BS = block size) and count= 1000 * BS = size of the disk
              dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/ASM_REG_OCR_0001 bs=1M count=1000
        Post task:
       asmcmd afd_scan
       asmcmd afd_lsdsk
             delete 3 disks from a DG from different cell to make them as a candidate for the OCR DG ( this step need to be done before the deconfigruation run)

4. Cleanup the gpnp files from all the nodes
  find <GRID_HOME>/gpnp/* -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;

5. run
 cd $ORACLE_HOME/crs/config

 feed the below values
    => cluster_name, scan name, port & Disable GNS if it is not used.
    => ensure all the host and VIPs are fetched automatically, if not, please add them manually.
    => Storage for OCR: create new DG and choose the disks candidates.

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